The school provides facilities for all major sports and games to encourage healthy competition and physical stamina. Inter House Competitions are held in all the games available for boys and girls. The popular sports and games played in the school are : Kho-Kho, Badminton, Football, Basketball, Cricket, Lawn Tennis etc.
It is compulsory to play at least two games for all the students. The school has ample space and play area for all sports including Cricket, Volleyball and Football Grounds, Basketball Court and Skating Ring, Lawn Tennis and Badminton Courts.

Kho-Kho is one of the most popular traditional sports in India and in school as well. Kho-Kho is a ‘run and touch’ game that is very simple to play and can be enjoyed by the…

Bagpiper Band
Bagpipe Band Doon Public School, is the only school in Kutch having its own bagpipe girls and boys band. School all has a special coach/ trainer in school for the same. The school’s Bagpipe Band…

Badminton Court
Two synthetic badminton courts are developed in school sports hall. More than 10 badminton kits are supplied to students for playing during their sports period.

Lawn Tennis Court
Synthetic lawn tennis court designed brilliantly as standard measures. School also provides playing equipment like tennis rackets, tennis balls to the students.

Cricket Ground
“ Cricket is the most popular game in India.” It can improve endurance, stamina, physical fitness and hand-eye coordination. Cricket also involves short bursts of sprinting and throwing which is good for cardiovascular health. The…

Volleyball Court
Volleyball involves a multitude of fast paced, dynamic movements including jumping, diving, and shuffling. The main focus of the game is to develop fast, explosive movements. The school has Under 17 Volleyball boys team. School…

Basketball Court
The game builds endurance, improves balance and coordination, combination of individual skill and team strategies. School has a synthetic/concrete basket-ball court of size and markings maintained internationally. The school has Under-14 and Under-17 Basket ball…

Football Ground
Every child’s fantasy begins with being the next Lionel Messi. Football is the most popular sport and every child must have that experience. We have dedicated Football field along with guided tutoring.